With four little kids, we are a busy bunch. It takes a concerted effort to keep it together at church or traveling. Kids love to run and jump and play. Sitting still is never they’re favorite. Here are some tried and true activities that help little kids sit still. Whether you’re traveling or need some fresh ideas for helping little ones sit still at church, here are a few things that work for us.

Favorite Activities to Help Little Kids Sit Still

- One of my kids’ very favorite activities is playing on this Doodle Pad. They instantly sit still and will focus when handed one of these tablets. For about $10, these work like a charm. They can also be extremely creative without having to worry about dropping crayons, coloring sheets, and paper everywhere. They love tracing things I sketch out for them, and just creating their own patterns and drawings.
- Pop its are another favorite for when little kids need to sit still. This set makes each pop it about $3 each, and has some fun different shapes they can take turns with. My kids also love a keyboard pop it that we got them. They like spelling out words on it and practicing typing. I’ll link that one here too.
- The Lighten Print book, Savior The Story of Jesus Christ, is my favorite to let the kids read and look through while we’re at church. With it’s stunning artwork, and beautiful poetry it reminds us all why we go to church each week.
- Last, but definitely not least, snacks. Let me point out, all snacks are not created equal. Obviously that is true of the nutritious value of snacks, but there are other things to keep in mind when doling out snacks to little kids. For church and for traveling, I typically stick with snacks that are not messy. For example, fruit leather, applesauce pouches, Lara bars, etc. Things like raisins, cheerios, crackers, make HUGE messes, and can end up all over the car, airplane, or floor at church. It works best for me to have some simple, healthy options that I won’t regret having packed for them.

These are some pretty basic ideas, but
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