One of our favorite traditions the last few years, is doing a Christmas advent with kids’ books each night in December. We wrap 25 Christmas books for kids, and each night we open and read one. It’s such a fun way to count down to Christmas and the kids have loved getting to open a book every night.
Here is a list of 25 Christmas books for kids to do your own Christmas advent.
25 Christmas Books for Kids
Room for a Little One: A Christmas Tale. This will always be one of our favorite Christmas books for kids. It is so sweet and beautiful illustrations.
Everybody’s Tree. A story following the growth of a tree and a little boy, all about community and coming together at Christmas time.
A Christmas Sweater for Nina. A cute cat with not much more than a sweater sets out on Christmas day just to have her sweater unravel. An unexpected surprise is at the end of the string for her.
The Lights in the Church. A boy and girl get lost and discover a nearly magical church teaching on the stain glass windows all about Jesus’ miracles.
The Snowman’s Song. The little snowman’s only wish is to sing, but without a voice he’s told he can’t, until the gift from a girl makes it possible.
The Littlest Watchman: Watching and Waiting for the First Christmas. A retelling of the nativity from a young perspective; perfect for kids to think about how they would have experienced the first Christmas.
Little Red Sleigh. A heartwarming story about a sleight dreaming of becoming Santa’s big red sleight one day.
Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree. This one reminds me of a Christmas version of the Rainbow Fish. Instead of giving away scales, Mr. Willowby is giving more and more friends part of his tree for their own Christmas decorations.
This is Christmas. A story about what Christmas is all about; hint, it’s not just presents and gifts. There’s so much about this holiday that evokes love and joy, and Little Chipmunk is about to learn all about it.
Little Mole’s Christmas Gift. Setting out to procure the best gift for his mother, Little Mole, gives pieces of his big present to needy friends along the way. Saddened with what he has left to give to his mom, he learns that the service he gave means more to her than any other gift.
Pick a Pine Tree. Our family has loved the tradition of picking out and bringing home our Christmas tree each year. It is a favorite memory each year, and this book shares some of that magic.
The Lost Gift. The forest animals help Santa with a gift that falls from his sleigh. During the process, they learn about the joy of gift giving.
Santa’s Favorite Story. Santa tells the story of the nativity and shares about how Christmas is so much more than just getting presents. A sweet reminder that even Santa knows the most important part of Christmas is about Jesus.
Mortimer’s Christmas Manger. This is a great story about a little mouse learning who Jesus is when he tries to take over the family’s nativity scene and sleep in the manger.
The Little Christmas Tree. A story about learning self love, and that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. This Christmas tree wishes it had soft leaves like the others in the forest, but will that sentiment remain the same once his wish is granted?
A Wish to be a Christmas Tree. An overgrown pine is passed over each year for smaller Christmas trees, but his forest animal friends help him get dressed up for the holiday and live out his dreams.
Mouse’s Christmas Gift. A story following a sweet mouse who keeps the spirit of Christmas alive for his village.
All the Colors of Christmas. Green and red the traditional Christmas colors. Every color has a place in the Christmas story. Categorized by colors, this such a fun way to read about all the traditions and symbols of Christmas.
The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree. Not only is this another heartwarming story about picking out a Christmas tree, it’s setting is based in an area where I grew up. It holds sentimental value in several ways.
Tough Cookie: A Christmas Story. Such a clever retelling of the classic Gingerbread Man story. This one makes my kids and I laugh a lot. It also includes some recipes in the back to make your own ornaments and cookies.
The Legend of Old Befana. An Italian version of Santa Claus, Old Befana searches for the Christ child and leaves gifts along the way. We all really love this one!
When it Snows. A boy and his teddy bear go on an adventure to discover the magic that comes at Christmas time with snow.
If You Take a Mouse to the Movies. A Christmas version of the original, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. So cute and steeped in fun Christmas traditions.
Christmas Farm. A boy and his neighbor who start a Christmas tree farm and nurture their seedlings year after year to create this cozy, Christmas story.
One Christmas Night. Little Hedgehog works hard to make thoughtful gifts for each of his woodland friends. He and his friend mouse transform is home into a magical Christmas cave where all the friends gather to celebrate.
The list of incredible Christmas picture books could go on forever. I wrote another post sharing some of our favorite Christmas books from last year. There is a little bit of crossover, but only a few books are repeated. We love getting to re-read favorites, and discover new magic books for this time of year. As always, I love book recommendations, so send any you and your family have loved my way.
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